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Privacy Policy

Privacy Statement

ACCELERATE, S.A. OF C.V. ('ACCELERATE') is committed to respecting and protecting your right to privacy. You are not obliged to provide any personal information when consulting our website. Your trust is important to us. This Privacy Statement explains how ACCELERATE collects and manages your personal data. It contains information about what data we collect, how we use it, why we need it and how it can benefit you. Please contact us at if you have any questions or comments, or if you wish to make a request regarding any of your rights as an interested party.

Data collected

The personal data we collect varies depending on the purpose of the same. We can collect the following types of data: A) Personal contact information, such as your name, email address, physical address and telephone numbers; B) Billing data: entity to which the charge will be made, tax address, NIT C) Financial data: bank account information, payment method. D) Access data E) Demographic information, such as your age and sex; F) If you ever apply for a job with us, we will collect additional personal data, such as your work history, your educational history and your work references.

Processing of personal data

We collect your personal data for administrative purposes in the creation of your customer profile. This data is also used for marketing purposes to be able to provide you with information of your interest or to which you have subscribed through our forms. A) To establish a legal relationship. B) To process your payments, if you purchase our services, respond to your queries and requests, and evaluate and process any claim; C) Contact you to answer your questions and/or requests; D) To communicate information and manage your registration and/or subscription to our newsletter or other communications; E) To authenticate the identity of the people who contact us by phone, electronic or other means. We may also need your personal data to comply with legal obligations or in the context of a contractual relationship we have with you. When we collect and use your personal data for the purposes mentioned above or for other purposes, we will inform you before or at the time of collection. When appropriate, we will ask for your consent to process the personal data. When you have given your consent for processing activities, you have the right to withdraw it at any time.

Declaration of use of cookies

At ACCELERATE, we collect cookies that are important for the proper functioning of our website, and we collect cookies that you can choose not to share. This Cookie Statement explains what cookies are and which ones we collect and what we use them for. Please contact us at if you have any questions or comments, or if you wish to make a request regarding any of your rights as an interested party.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small pieces of text that the websites you visit send to the browser and are stored locally. They allow websites to remember information about your visit, which can make it easier to revisit the sites and make them more useful to you. Other technologies, such as unique identifiers that are used to identify a browser, application or device, pixels and local storage, can also be used for these purposes. The cookies and other technologies described on this page may be used for the purposes indicated below.

Types of cookies

There are two main categories of cookies: persistent cookies and temporary cookies. Persistent cookies remain on your device until they are deleted manually or automatically (they usually have expiration dates). Temporary cookies remain on your device until you close the browser and are automatically deleted.